Tennis toss Volley Stroke ball machine
Here are some features to consider and look for when choosing a tennis ball machine:
Quick Set-up
You want to just load the balls and be ready for action.
Ball Capacity
This tells you how many balls will fit into your machine. Typically smaller machines fit from 50 balls to over 200 ball capacity for larger (tower) models.
Versatile Speed
The best machines allow for adjustable ball speed from a gentle toss that’s ideal for younger players or kids just beginning tennis, to hard-hitting groundstrokes that will challenge even top players.
Interval Control for Variable Ball Feed
This allows you to set the time between ball throws. Ball feed rate can be set from one ball every 1-1/2 seconds - to practice quick-reaction volley strokes, to one ball coming every 10 seconds.
Range of Trajectories
Ball trajectory can be manually adjustable from groundstroke to lob.
Set up Time Delay
The delay allows you to get to the other side of the net before balls begin shooting.
Spin Control
Some machines will allow you to control the spin of the ball - for flat shots, or for varying degrees of topspin or backspin.
Full-Court Oscillator
When you’re ready to hit on the run, your machine will deliver shots randomly across the court.
Rechargeable battery powered machines
The built-in rechargeable battery can typically deliver 2-3 hours of playing time, and can be recharged up to 1, 000 times before replacement.
All-In-One Control Panel
All functions are controlled by a single electronic control panel. In addition to the control functions it includes a battery charge indicator, and an automatic time delay so you can walk to your playing position after start-up.
Remote Control
Reomte control allows the player to start and stop ball delivery.
You can find tennis ball machines for a range of prices from $500 for small units with fewer features to over $2, 000 for more sophisticated models. If you are on a budget, used tennis machines can be a good option to consider.
Learn To Play Tennis Like A Pro: Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Tennis Ball Machine To Perfect Your Game
Whether you are just beginning to learn how to play tennis, or are an intermediate or advanced player, the bottom line is if you want to improve your game, you need to practice, practice and practice some more.
When you practice, the idea isn't just to learn new moves or skills. The important part of practicing any skill is repetition. Just think about it: When you are first beginning to learn a new sport, you need to go through the motions slowly, step by step. In tennis, by repeating the same forehand and backhand strokes over and over again, you are ingraining the motion of the swings into your brain, so they become automatic. You want to be able to hit a forehand from any position and angle without thinking much about it.